Legislation – Federal, State
Quotes, definitions, etc.
What is the Federal Reserve?
In June 2024, the U.S. government spent $140.238 billion on interest for Treasury debt securities. For context, the government collected $184.910 billion in individual income taxes that same month. This means that an amount equivalent to 76% of June's individual income tax revenue was used solely for interest payments on the national debt, not including principal repayment.1,2
This year Interest payments on US National Debt shattered $1,140,000,000,000, that’s 76% of All Income Taxes Collected: Report. 39 cents of every dollar paid in personal income taxes has gone toward paying down the interest on the national debt.1,2
The Federal Reserve System in an unconstitutional banking cartel that encourages war, destabilizes the economy, generates inflation (a hidden tax) and is the supreme instrument of unjust enrichment for a select group of insiders, Wall Street bankers, and their “too-big-to-fail” corporate clients. The Federal Reserve is also responsible for the disastrous boom and bust business cycles which will lead to eventual economic collapse and misery. Since the establishment Federal Reserve in 1913 our dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power. Fiat
money is anti-American and hurts the poor and those on fixed budgets the most and transfers the wealth of those with the least to those with the most.
Inflation -
Article 1 Section 8 (U.S. Constitution)
"The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures"
Article 1 Section 10 (U.S. Constitution)
"No State shall coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."
What do these clauses mean? How is Money defined by both the U.S. Constitution and Indiana Constitution? What is a Bill of Credit? Why are the States, according to the Constitution, only permitted to use gold and silver to pay debts? What does it mean to coin Money?
These are just a few of the questions we will be addressing during "Constitutional Money Awareness Month"
Money Banking and the Federal Reserve ( (watch for free online) (purchase dvd)
Dollars and Sense (watch online for free) (purchase dvd)
Fiat Empire (purchase dvd)
The Inflation Monster – The Tuttle Twins Episode 6
Books/Audio Books:
End the Fed – Ron Paul
The Creature from Jekyll Island
The Creature from Jekyll Island – Tuttle Twins
What Federal Legislation can help restore SOUND MONEY?
Honest Money Act: To repeal section 5103 of title 31, United States Code: Repeals the law stating: (1) U.S. coins and currency are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes and dues; and (2) foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender for debts.
Federal Reserve Board Transparency Act
To amend title 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States and the manner in which such audits are reported, and for other purposes.
Federal Reserve Sunshine Act
To require the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to publish information on financial assistance provided to various entities, and for other purposes.
Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act
To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes.
Thrift Savings Funds Improvement Act
To provide for the establishment of a precious metals investment option in the Thrift Savings Fund.
What are the Laws on Gold & Silver in Michigan?3,4
Michigan State Sales Tax Laws? YES
Michigan has started the process of freeing gold and silver from bureaucratic shackles.
According to the General Sales Tax Act, Section 205.54s, "a sale of investment coins and bullion is exempt from the [sales] tax."
The law defines bullion as "gold, silver, or platinum in a bulk state, where its value depends on its content rather than its form, with a purity of not less than 900 parts per 1,000." "Investment coins" is defined as "numismatic coins or other forms of money and legal tender manufactured of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, or other metal and issued by the United States government or a foreign government with a fair market value greater than the face value of the coins."
For more information on rolling back sales tax on constitutional money, click here.
Michigan Capital Gains Tax? NO
Michigan law, like most states, is chock full of draconian revenue statutes. Under current law, gold and silver are subject to capital gains taxation when exchanged for Federal Reserve notes or when used in barter transactions.
Income taxes are one major way government bureaucrats penalize holders of precious metals. If you own gold to protect against the ongoing devaluation of America's paper currency (which results from the inflationary practices of the Federal Reserve), you may end up with a "gain" on your gold when it's priced in dollars. Not necessarily a real gain, mind you. It's frequently nothing more than a nominal gain -- but it's nonetheless considered income against which the government assesses a tax.
However, other state legislators across the country have started to recognize that paying taxes on nominal gains is beyond the pale. Arizona and Utah recently eliminated capital gains taxation on precious metals, and Idaho hopes to follow soon.
For more information on capital gains taxation of precious metals, click here.
Gold and Silver Recognized as Money in Michigan? NO
The United States Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, "No state shall...make anything Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."
Legislative acts that take steps towards this constitutional requirement are slowly gaining steam. Utah and Oklahoma are leaders in this field, declaring gold and silver as money within their states.
Unfortunately, Michigan has not taken any steps to reaffirm its constitutional duty to treat gold and silver coins as tender for payment of debts as Oklahoma and Utah did with the recent passage of SB 862 and HB 157, respectively.
Oklahoma’s SB 862 reads, in part, “gold and silver coins issued by the United States government are legal tender in the State of Oklahoma. No person may compel another person to tender or accept gold or silver coins that are issued by the United States government, except as agreed upon by contract.”
Utah’s HB 157 reads, in part, “except as expressly provided by contract, a person may not compel any other person to tender or accept legal tender.”
The phrase, “except as agreed upon by contract,” has significant ramifications. This wording reaffirms the court’s ability, and constitutional responsibility according to Article I, Section 10, to require specific performance when enforcing such contracts. If voluntary parties agree to be paid, or to pay, in gold and silver coin, the Oklahoma courts may not substitute any other thing, e.g. Federal Reserve Notes, as payment.
Gold clause contracts are a useful tool to give both creditors and borrowers alike protection against the currency risks resulting from both inflation and deflation.
For more information on gold clause contracts, click here.
Practically speaking, state laws that recognize gold and silver as money restore a government view of precious metals as the favored form of money – a currency rather than a piece of property or other asset. Using this logic, it would be inappropriate for a state to levy taxes when the precious metals are used or exchanged.
For more information, click here.
Michigan Depository Laws? NO
Unfortunately, Michigan law does not currently allow for a state bullion depository.
While Michigan may not currently have a bullion depository within the state, there's reason to be hopeful. Texas is championing the state depository cause and other states will likely follow suit. In June of 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 483 into law.
Authored by Representative Giovanni Capriglione (R-Southlake), this bill allows for "the establishment and administration of a state bullion depository."
According to the official Texas Depository website, House Bill 483 "allows for the nation's first state bullion depository to be established in Texas under the supervision of the state's comptroller's office."
Upon signing the bill, Governor Greg Abbott said "with the passage of this bill, the Texas Bullion Depository will become the first state-level facility of its kind in the nation, increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state."
Michigan Holding Reserves in Gold and Silver? NO
Financially prudent individuals set aside surplus funds to protect against unforeseen expenditures. This way, when faced with loss of income, house repairs, car trouble, or anything else, they will have a buffer against unanticipated downturns.
In the same vein, almost every state in the United States has established a “savings account” for government operations. Primarily to mitigate a decline in tax revenues that comes alongside economic slumps, states have created so-called budget stabilization funds – colloquially known as “rainy day funds.”
Unfortunately, like every other state in the union, Michigan does not hold any of its reserves in gold and silver.
While Michigan may not hold its reserves in gold and silver yet, Tennessee is setting an example by considering legislation that would allow for this. Tennessee Representative Bud Hulsey introduced House Bill 0777 in 2017 which "requires the state treasurer to invest 40 percent of the funds in the rainy day fund in gold bullion of other precious metal bullion." This bill will be voted on in 2018.
For more information on Budget Stabilization Funds, click here.
Is Michigan Holding Physical Gold & Silver in Government Pension Funds? NO
Millions of Americans will rely on pensions once they've reached the age of retirement. Pension fund managers have a fiduciary duty to safeguard funds against foreseeable risks.
With the practices of today's Federal Reserve, there is no risk more foreseeable than inflation! But with very few exceptions, pension money managers are not fulfilling their duty to protect against this significant risk by investing in assets that are specifically suited to defend against the perpetual decline of the dollar's purchasing power. Chief among these assets are physical gold and silver, the most reliable inflation hedges from time immemorial.
Tens of millions of Americans and their employers pour money into pension plans each month, counting on those funds to grow and be there when needed at retirement.
But a time bomb awaits. The bulk of U.S. pension funds are dangerously underfunded, and the assets are often invested in securities that have bleak prospects for providing income that keeps up with a general decline in purchasing power. In the case of underfunded government pensions, higher taxes invariably follow combined with potential default on obligations to retired workers.
Unfortunately, Michigan's government pension funds do not appear to hold ANY assets in physical gold and silver.
Texas gives states an example to emulate. The Texas Teacher Retirement Fund and the University of Texas own nearly $1 billion in physical gold. As a non-correlated asset to bonds, stocks, and other paper-based investments, precious metals are key to true diversification.
For more information on pension funds, click here.
We must work together to sound the alarm to the dangers and immorality of inflation and restore the U.S. Constitution and sound money.
Twice before in U.S. history, the American People voted down central banks like the Federal Reserve. We did it then and we can do it again if we are able to explain to enough people the truth about the inherent evils of fiat money and fractional reserve banking and how returning to a sound monetary system would look like. Only an informed citizenry can restore constitutional money and strip rogue politicians and tyrannical government of their unconstitutional printing press.
QUOTES, etc.
Quotes, memes, definitions, catch phrases, associated terms, etc
Other Resources
What is the Federal Reserve?
In June 2024, the U.S. government spent $140.238 billion on interest for Treasury debt securities. For context, the government collected $184.910 billion in individual income taxes that same month. This means that an amount equivalent to 76% of June's individual income tax revenue was used solely for interest payments on the national debt, not including principal repayment.1,2
This year Interest payments on US National Debt shattered $1,140,000,000,000, that’s 76% of All Income Taxes Collected: Report. 39 cents of every dollar paid in personal income taxes has gone toward paying down the interest on the national debt.1,2
The Federal Reserve System in an unconstitutional banking cartel that encourages war, destabilizes the economy, generates inflation (a hidden tax) and is the supreme instrument of unjust enrichment for a select group of insiders, Wall Street bankers, and their “too-big-to-fail” corporate clients. The Federal Reserve is also responsible for the disastrous boom and bust business cycles which will lead to eventual economic collapse and misery. Since the establishment Federal Reserve in 1913 our dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power. Fiat
money is anti-American and hurts the poor and those on fixed budgets the most and transfers the wealth of those with the least to those with the most.
Inflation -
Article 1 Section 8 (U.S. Constitution)
"The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures"
Article 1 Section 10 (U.S. Constitution)
"No State shall coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."
What do these clauses mean? How is Money defined by both the U.S. Constitution and Indiana Constitution? What is a Bill of Credit? Why are the States, according to the Constitution, only permitted to use gold and silver to pay debts? What does it mean to coin Money?
These are just a few of the questions we will be addressing during "Constitutional Money Awareness Month"
Money Banking and the Federal Reserve ( (watch for free online) (purchase dvd)
Dollars and Sense (watch online for free) (purchase dvd)
Fiat Empire (purchase dvd)
The Inflation Monster – The Tuttle Twins Episode 6
Books/Audio Books:
End the Fed – Ron Paul
The Creature from Jekyll Island
The Creature from Jekyll Island – Tuttle Twins
What Federal Legislation can help restore SOUND MONEY?
Honest Money Act: To repeal section 5103 of title 31, United States Code: Repeals the law stating: (1) U.S. coins and currency are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes and dues; and (2) foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender for debts.
Federal Reserve Board Transparency Act
To amend title 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States and the manner in which such audits are reported, and for other purposes.
Federal Reserve Sunshine Act
To require the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to publish information on financial assistance provided to various entities, and for other purposes.
Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act
To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes.
Thrift Savings Funds Improvement Act
To provide for the establishment of a precious metals investment option in the Thrift Savings Fund.
What are the Laws on Gold & Silver in Michigan?3,4
Michigan State Sales Tax Laws? YES
Michigan has started the process of freeing gold and silver from bureaucratic shackles.
According to the General Sales Tax Act, Section 205.54s, "a sale of investment coins and bullion is exempt from the [sales] tax."
The law defines bullion as "gold, silver, or platinum in a bulk state, where its value depends on its content rather than its form, with a purity of not less than 900 parts per 1,000." "Investment coins" is defined as "numismatic coins or other forms of money and legal tender manufactured of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, or other metal and issued by the United States government or a foreign government with a fair market value greater than the face value of the coins."
For more information on rolling back sales tax on constitutional money, click here.
Michigan Capital Gains Tax? NO
Michigan law, like most states, is chock full of draconian revenue statutes. Under current law, gold and silver are subject to capital gains taxation when exchanged for Federal Reserve notes or when used in barter transactions.
Income taxes are one major way government bureaucrats penalize holders of precious metals. If you own gold to protect against the ongoing devaluation of America's paper currency (which results from the inflationary practices of the Federal Reserve), you may end up with a "gain" on your gold when it's priced in dollars. Not necessarily a real gain, mind you. It's frequently nothing more than a nominal gain -- but it's nonetheless considered income against which the government assesses a tax.
However, other state legislators across the country have started to recognize that paying taxes on nominal gains is beyond the pale. Arizona and Utah recently eliminated capital gains taxation on precious metals, and Idaho hopes to follow soon.
For more information on capital gains taxation of precious metals, click here.
Gold and Silver Recognized as Money in Michigan? NO
The United States Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, "No state shall...make anything Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."
Legislative acts that take steps towards this constitutional requirement are slowly gaining steam. Utah and Oklahoma are leaders in this field, declaring gold and silver as money within their states.
Unfortunately, Michigan has not taken any steps to reaffirm its constitutional duty to treat gold and silver coins as tender for payment of debts as Oklahoma and Utah did with the recent passage of SB 862 and HB 157, respectively.
Oklahoma’s SB 862 reads, in part, “gold and silver coins issued by the United States government are legal tender in the State of Oklahoma. No person may compel another person to tender or accept gold or silver coins that are issued by the United States government, except as agreed upon by contract.”
Utah’s HB 157 reads, in part, “except as expressly provided by contract, a person may not compel any other person to tender or accept legal tender.”
The phrase, “except as agreed upon by contract,” has significant ramifications. This wording reaffirms the court’s ability, and constitutional responsibility according to Article I, Section 10, to require specific performance when enforcing such contracts. If voluntary parties agree to be paid, or to pay, in gold and silver coin, the Oklahoma courts may not substitute any other thing, e.g. Federal Reserve Notes, as payment.
Gold clause contracts are a useful tool to give both creditors and borrowers alike protection against the currency risks resulting from both inflation and deflation.
For more information on gold clause contracts, click here.
Practically speaking, state laws that recognize gold and silver as money restore a government view of precious metals as the favored form of money – a currency rather than a piece of property or other asset. Using this logic, it would be inappropriate for a state to levy taxes when the precious metals are used or exchanged.
For more information, click here.
Michigan Depository Laws? NO
Unfortunately, Michigan law does not currently allow for a state bullion depository.
While Michigan may not currently have a bullion depository within the state, there's reason to be hopeful. Texas is championing the state depository cause and other states will likely follow suit. In June of 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 483 into law.
Authored by Representative Giovanni Capriglione (R-Southlake), this bill allows for "the establishment and administration of a state bullion depository."
According to the official Texas Depository website, House Bill 483 "allows for the nation's first state bullion depository to be established in Texas under the supervision of the state's comptroller's office."
Upon signing the bill, Governor Greg Abbott said "with the passage of this bill, the Texas Bullion Depository will become the first state-level facility of its kind in the nation, increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state."
Michigan Holding Reserves in Gold and Silver? NO
Financially prudent individuals set aside surplus funds to protect against unforeseen expenditures. This way, when faced with loss of income, house repairs, car trouble, or anything else, they will have a buffer against unanticipated downturns.
In the same vein, almost every state in the United States has established a “savings account” for government operations. Primarily to mitigate a decline in tax revenues that comes alongside economic slumps, states have created so-called budget stabilization funds – colloquially known as “rainy day funds.”
Unfortunately, like every other state in the union, Michigan does not hold any of its reserves in gold and silver.
While Michigan may not hold its reserves in gold and silver yet, Tennessee is setting an example by considering legislation that would allow for this. Tennessee Representative Bud Hulsey introduced House Bill 0777 in 2017 which "requires the state treasurer to invest 40 percent of the funds in the rainy day fund in gold bullion of other precious metal bullion." This bill will be voted on in 2018.
For more information on Budget Stabilization Funds, click here.
Is Michigan Holding Physical Gold & Silver in Government Pension Funds? NO
Millions of Americans will rely on pensions once they've reached the age of retirement. Pension fund managers have a fiduciary duty to safeguard funds against foreseeable risks.
With the practices of today's Federal Reserve, there is no risk more foreseeable than inflation! But with very few exceptions, pension money managers are not fulfilling their duty to protect against this significant risk by investing in assets that are specifically suited to defend against the perpetual decline of the dollar's purchasing power. Chief among these assets are physical gold and silver, the most reliable inflation hedges from time immemorial.
Tens of millions of Americans and their employers pour money into pension plans each month, counting on those funds to grow and be there when needed at retirement.
But a time bomb awaits. The bulk of U.S. pension funds are dangerously underfunded, and the assets are often invested in securities that have bleak prospects for providing income that keeps up with a general decline in purchasing power. In the case of underfunded government pensions, higher taxes invariably follow combined with potential default on obligations to retired workers.
Unfortunately, Michigan's government pension funds do not appear to hold ANY assets in physical gold and silver.
Texas gives states an example to emulate. The Texas Teacher Retirement Fund and the University of Texas own nearly $1 billion in physical gold. As a non-correlated asset to bonds, stocks, and other paper-based investments, precious metals are key to true diversification.
For more information on pension funds, click here.
We must work together to sound the alarm to the dangers and immorality of inflation and restore the U.S. Constitution and sound money.
Twice before in U.S. history, the American People voted down central banks like the Federal Reserve. We did it then and we can do it again if we are able to explain to enough people the truth about the inherent evils of fiat money and fractional reserve banking and how returning to a sound monetary system would look like. Only an informed citizenry can restore constitutional money and strip rogue politicians and tyrannical government of their unconstitutional printing press.
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Quotes, memes, definitions, catch phrases, associated terms, etc
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